
Originally created to inspire and enable fellow parents to enjoy the arts with young children in tow, Arts Aloud has unearthed more than 200 family-friendly exhibitions and activities since 2014.

Something that began as an exciting family pursuit, soon became a new career direction. I turned my attention to engaging more young people with the arts, completing an MA in Arts Education at Kings College London, and developing my practice as an educator working with Early Years, Families, Schools and the general public in major arts organisations, including Tate, Hayward Gallery and Barbican.

Despite the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, with many organisations forced to close and reduced face to face engagement, Arts Aloud is now able to deliver a renewed mission; supporting parents and educators to devise inspirational activities which extend the themes of current exhibitions and events, without having to set foot in a gallery, museum or theatre.

Although activities start with an artist’s theme or line of enquiry, they aim to also consider links into the national curriculum and topic based learning.

If you would like to bring the arts to life for your young visitors, please get in touch.

One thought on “About

  1. Well SNAP! I love your blog and I am in hearty agreement with you when it comes to doing the artyfarty stuff we love with kids in tow. Since I decided not to care about people’s reactions to my kids boisterous appreciation of art galleries, we are having a blast and learning loads. Great blog, very inspiring, keep up the #artskickicking ⚡️

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